Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is one of the main causes of reduced vision. It is a condition developed from birth and the early years of life. Hence, early diagnosis and treatment are highly recommended to manage or prevent its long-term effect on the patient’s vision.
In most cases, the cause of amblyopia is when one of the eyes fails to focus and the brain relies solely on the eye that has better vision. The condition is oftentimes neglected or remains undetected until the patient undergoes a comprehensive eye test.
If you are experiencing at least two of the following symptoms, you should consult your eye specialist:
- Frequent bumping into things either on your left or right side
- Eyes feel like they do not work together – one is nearsighted and the other is farsighted
- Difficulty in reading, especially books with lots of text
- One eye is inward or outward
- Head is tilted to one side
- Frequent eye squinting
When left untreated, amblyopia can cause permanent vision loss or complete blindness. Consult your eye doctor immediately.
What causes an eye to go lazy?
A lazy eye is caused by an abnormal visual condition that affects the nerves transmitting electrical impulses from the retina to the brain. One of the eyes gets a poor signal from these nerves, which eventually causes the brain to ignore the eye. This results in reduced vision and the eye wandering inward or outward.
Common abnormal eye conditions that cause lazy eye include
- Strabismus amblyopia – Eye muscle imbalance that usually makes the eyes look in different directions
- Refractive amblyopia – One eye has trouble seeing far away or up close or when one has astigmatism
- Cataract – Cloudy lens and vision
- Other vision impairments, such as a scar on the cornea
Treatment options
Amblyopia / Lazy eye – therapy can include correction with glasses, patching or perceptual learning stimulation which is the latest treatment in lazy eye.
It is not possible to predict how long or how much it will be possible to achieve when doing therapy to a lazy eye, the causes and the age of the patient may have an impact on how fast we get the results but it can take a year or more to achieve 100% vision.
Patching is when we cover the good eye for the recommended amount of hours for each patient (it needs to be evaluated for each case) and needs to be done on a daily routine.
A lazy eye which results from the need of glasses may need both to wear glasses and do patching.
New studies show that the stimulation of the lazy eye/both, by showing specific patterns to the eyes allows the connection between the eyes and the brain to develop more accurately in order to improve the visual acuity of the eyes, this can be done through daily exercises with a computer software specifically designed for this purpose.
Lazy eye treatment is much more effective when done at an early age. Nevertheless, there are many ways to treat this condition. Here are the recommended treatment options of our doctors:
We cover the patient’s good eye based on the recommended number of hours. You will be evaluated first and this treatment should be done on a daily routine.
Correction glasses
In some cases, proper eyeglasses are prescribed to patients aside from using eye patches. This improves eye crossing, myopia (nearsightedness), or hyperopia (farsightedness) conditions.
Perceptual learning stimulation
Stimulating the eyes with patterns is also a good treatment plan for amblyopia patients. New studies show that exposing your eyes to specific patterns improves their connection to the brain. Visual acuity or the ability to distinguish shapes is a healthy sign that your eyes and brain are properly in sync. A daily stimulation Jo exercise can be done through a computer software that is designed for this program.
When is it too late for lazy eye?
When a patient’s vision is permanently lost, it would be difficult to treat the condition and the doctor might recommend more complicated medical treatments or surgery. No one can predict how much can be achieved when doing therapy for a lazy eye. The amount of time needed to get the results depends on the severity and cause of the condition, as well as the age of the patient.
Does lazy eye worsen with age?
Lazy eye treatment for adults
There is a misconception that amblyopia treatments only work with children. It is true that the treatment is much more effective when done in the early years of development, but that does not mean there is no way to treat this condition in adults.
Recent studies show the brain actually has the ability to adapt and update its circuitry based on new experiences and habits. With the help of a professional, you can treat your lazy eye disorder regardless of your age.
Why Choose Spanish Eye Clinic for Lazy Eye Treatment in Dubai
As one of the best eye clinics in Dubai, Spanish Eye Clinic offers exceptional services and state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring our patients that their health is always our top priority. Aside from providing affordable packages, we make sure to educate the patient about his condition and the most effective treatment options they can choose from.
If you have questions about our lazy eye treatments or you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, you can book an appointment or contact our team anytime.
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