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What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve. This damage is often linked to increased pressure, and increased pressure places a strain on an optic nerve. The optic nerve has a critical mission; it transmits images to our brain. Increased stress can damage it, and if the damage continues, glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss. You can get glaucoma genetically, and its symptoms might not show for an extended period of time. If a person has this disease and doesn’t treat it for a few years, glaucoma will cause permanent blindness. However, it is possible and actually quite simple to treat this eye condition if you manage to identify it at an early stage. Early detection can prevent sight loss and other results that glaucoma can cause.

As already mentioned, glaucoma results from high fluid pressure inside an eye. The increased eye pressure is called intraocular pressure, and the rise can cause damage to your optic nerve. Severe damages can cause vision loss or total blindness over time. Glaucoma is considered the second leading cause of blindness in the world.

This occurs due to a blockage in the channel. The blockage allows the liquid in the front of the eye to circulate. Blockage of this channel causes the fluid to build up and causes glaucoma. The reason for this blockage is unknown. Chemical injuries, eye infections, inflammatory conditions are less common causes of glaucoma. Most people don’t experience any symptoms of glaucoma. People over 40, have a family history of glaucoma, or have diabetes are more likely to get this disease.

These are the main reasons why you should visit an eye doctor regularly. Other Risk factors for glaucoma condition are as follows;

  • Age over 40
  • Family history
  • Nearsightedness or farsightedness
  • Diabetics and high blood pressure
  • Thin corneas
  • Previous eye injuries
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Types Of Glaucoma

Although several types of glaucoma are present, two main types are widely discussed with the high frequency of its occurrence. These two types are:

  • Open-angle glaucoma – This is the most common form that can be seen among 90% of glaucoma patients. The progression develops over time by slowly clogging the drainage canals increasing the eye pressure. Visible symptoms or signs cannot be noticed early, and only a comprehensive eye exam can diagnose the condition.
  • Angle-closure glaucoma – This is a less common form caused by a sudden block in the eye drainage canals. People who experience the condition usually have a closed or narrow angle between the iris and cornea. The problem requires immediate medical treatments as it can cause complete vision eye loss with the sudden rise of intraocular pressure.

Treatment And Medications

After reviewing your medical history, a comprehensive eye examination will be followed to diagnose any signs or symptoms concerning glaucoma condition. Eye pressure, optic nerve damage, visual field test, corneal thickness, and eye drainage angle are thoroughly checked to check the situation.

Although the damage caused is irreversible, viable treatment measures can slow further damages and prevent vision loss. The treatments often involve reducing eye pressure. Eyedrops, oral pills, and surgeries are performed depending on the severity and stage of each condition.


Prevention is vital rather than facing this disease that can threaten your entire vision. Adhering to the following methods will help to prevent vision loss or slow progress.

Regular eye exams – Comprehensive eye exams can detect glaucoma early before significant damage occurs. If you have any of the risk factors mentioned above, you will require more frequent screening.

Family history – It is vital to know your family history to help you get the best care and precautions for your eyes, avoiding the condition.

Regular exercises – Exercises can help keep your eye pressure under normal conditions. The activity can significantly benefit diabetic and high blood pressure patients to prevent this eye disease. You can ask ophthalmologists about precise exercising methods and types that can keep your eye pressure under control.

Wear eye protection – Similar to the way we use sunglasses to protect from UV radiation, it is essential to be cautious and cover the eyes when engaged in activities with possible injuries to the eye. Those who work with power tools, or even when you have been involved in sports wearing eyewear, will protect your eyes and avoid unfortunate incidents and injuries that can lead to glaucoma conditions with time.

Take prescribed medications – following the doctor’s advice correctly is essential to control the situation.

Skipping the intake of eye drops or oral pills can change your eye pressure and worsen the condition. Regularly use the prescribed eye drops for effective treatment, even with no pain or symptoms.

If you are looking for a reliable eye clinic in Dubai, you should visit the Spanish Eye clinic. We have a team of ophthalmologists in Dubai to identify this disease at its earliest stage and provide proper treatment. They will choose an optimal treatment method and ensure that you don’t experience any pain or reduction in your vision.

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