What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids, particularly lid margins- the part of the eyelid where the eyelashes grow. It affects both eyelids. Blepharitis is a common disorder and can be associated with a low-grade infection. When oil glands located near the base of the eyelashes become clogged, Blepharitis occurs. Your eyes might seem red and irritated. There are two main types of Blepharitis: anterior and posterior. Anterior Blepharitis affects the exterior portion of the eyelids, where the lashes are linked, and is caused primarily by bacteria and scalp dandruff. Posterior Blepharitis affects the inner eyelid and is caused by dandruff on the scalp and acne rosacea. Usually, Blepharitis doesn’t cause any damage to eyesight, but it can be uncomfortable.

What Causes Blepharitis?
An exact reason that causes Blepharitis is not clear as it can be caused by more than just one factor. It can be caused by dandruff, a bacterial infection, clogged oil glands, rosacea, allergies, etc. However, symptoms, including red or watery eyes, itchy eyelids, sensitivity to light, loss of eyelashes, flaking of the skin around your eyes, etc., can be clear enough to visit a doctor.
There are different ways to treat Blepharitis. It can be either taking antibiotics, massaging the lids, or applying warm compresses to the eyelids. You might also need artificial tears as Blepharitis makes eyes feel dry. If you are looking for a solution to this problem you should visit Spanish Eye Clinic in Dubai. We have a team of professionals who will help you choose an optimal treatment plan. Our doctors are skilled, in the UAE. Your health is your priority; that’s why we offer quality services in a safe and comfortable environment.
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