Good eyesight is a critical part of a child’s life and development. From seeing objects clearly at a distance of 8-10 inches from the face, infants begin to improve their eyesight from 12-16 weeks of age, developing and strengthening their eyesight each year over time. According to eye specialists detecting potential eye problems at the early vision problems in children is crucial to prevent long-term damage and all the necessary information for diagnosis at your end is listed below.
Common Eye Problems In Children
- Amblyopia: Also referred to as the lazy eye, is the most common cause of decreased vision in a single eye among children. Here, the brain fails to process inputs from one eye and favors the other eye over time.
- Epiphora: This is another condition where the overflow of tears can be seen on the face. Here overproduction or decreased drainage causes the tearing on the face.
- Diplopia: This is also referred to as double vision, where the simultaneous perception of a single object as two images can be seen.
- Strabismus: This is a state where the eyes are crossed do not properly align with each other when looking at an object.
- Nystagmus or dancing eye causes involuntary eye movements resulting in a reduced or limited vision later.
Pediatric Cataract, pediatric glaucoma, and pediatric ptosis are three more disorders that can be infected during childhood. Developmental abnormalities of the fetus, genetic eye diseases, and problems that occur in vision due to brain problems like CVI (cortical visual impairment) are also listed under early vision problems in children by eye specialists.
Spotting The Difference
As most of the children are not aware of their vision problems, it is difficult for them to recognize whether their eyesight is poor or not. However, their behavior can give you hints on the poor vision. Some of these include; constant squinting, sitting closer to the TV/computer, or holding a book closer to face while reading. Frequent eye rubbing, unusual sensitivity to light, and excessive tears can also be observed.
Furthermore, Children may complain about burning eyes, eye itching, headache, nausea, or tired eyes which are also signs of poor vision. Certain children avoid activities like doing homework, reading, participating in sports, and recreational activities due to reduced eyesight. They often display uneasiness, low attention span, behavioral problems, and may also show lower academic performance than usual.
In addition to the above-mentioned, there may be certain illnesses like chronic redness of the eye, abnormal alignment or movement of eyes, cloudy eyes, or a white pupil instead of black that are valid symptoms. Here, the problem is visible and is easy for you to identify. Being alert to these factors will help you to detect the condition early and prevent your child from vision impairment.
Preventive Measures
Remember, your child’s vision is the most important for their development and success. Ophthalmologists say many undiagnosed vision issues have an impact on children’s learning. Therefore, make sure to have regular medical eye exams and check your children’s vision even in the absence of any symptoms, as certain symptoms may not be externally visible.
Our team of doctors at the Spanish Eye Clinic has the best ophthalmologists and eye specialists for you to get a comprehensive pediatric examination of your child’s vision.