Taking multiple steps to ensure your children’s optimal health is one of parenting’s major responsibilities. This can be made easy by informing yourself on the various indicators that can give more information about the diseases your child’s eye health is likely to develop. This will allow you to take better care of your little one’s eyes and approach an ophthalmologist if necessary, at the earliest.
The following list of the eight most important pieces of information you must know about your child’s health are presented below for your reference:
First Eye Examination
The first advice given to all parents by their children’s doctor is that the first eye examination must take place at six months of age. This will help identify any major birth defects or issues that arise in the baby as they start to explore the world. This timeline is necessary to follow for regular eye examinations as at these points in time, major changes take place within the child’s brain and body.
These growth stages can affect and impact the child’s eyes in a negative manner which can be prevented by doing such regular exams. The next one must be conducted at the age of three years, followed by every two years’ time period till they turn 18.
Effect of Screen Time
In the new technologically advancing world, children are exposed to laptop and phone screens at a very young age for recreational or educational purposes. This can impact their vision and can cause significant problems in those kids that are more likely to be affected by the blue light that is reflected from the screens. It often causes nearsightedness or computer vision syndrome to be developed in children.
There are several significant symptoms to look out for such as misaligned, watery, drooping or fluttering eyes. In addition to these, a white or greyish pupil, redness in the eye or the presence of a crust or pus-like formation in the eye can also be indicators to bigger problems. These symptoms require an eye doctor’s attention as soon as possible to prevent your child’s eye health deterioration.
Ways to Identify
Behavioral signs are present to help you identify if your child has any eye problems at the young age of 3 months. You can identify an underlying eye issue by checking if their eyes track the movement of an object that is moved in front of their eyesight. If they fail to do so, consulting an eye specialist will be the best course of action.
Common Eye Problems
Children are most likely to develop a lazy eye as they grow which can be noticed when one eye tends to move its position as one remains stable. Amblyopia is one other condition where the condition of one eye is better than the other and can be diagnosed at an early age.
Before Birth
Many aspects of a mother’s health can cause their child’s eye health to deteriorate or be severely affected even before they are born. Certain medications that a mother is consuming can cause side effects in the child that affects their eyes. Also, lower birth weight children are more likely to experience eye problems in their life.
Hereditary Patterns
Learning about your own family history and genetic problems can help you stay better informed on what your child is likely to develop in their lives. According to this information, your child’s ophthalmologist can create a treatment plan and examine their eyes in a suitable manner.
Continuous Care
It is best to take constant care of your child’s health by providing them with the optimal kind of nutrition that will keep their eyesight healthy as well as their body. This can help prevent pediatric glaucoma and cataract and allow your child to live more healthily.
Gain more knowledge about these symptoms, aspects and tips to keep yourself more informed about the possible factors that can affect your child’s optical health. Visit an eye specialist at Spanish Eye Clinic to give your child the best pediatric services that they deserve.